Homepage » Admission » Postgraduate Programs of Studies Postgraduate Programs of StudiesTop applicants are also selected for doctoral and postdoctoral specialist studies. The conditions for their enrolment have been described in the Regulations on Doctoral Studies and the Regulations on the Postgraduate Specialist Studies of the ZSM, in which special emphasis in application process is given to the criteria such as grade‐point average during the program of graduate studies (the minimum GPA of 3.51 in the grading system ranging from 1‐5), interest in the research and scientific work (number of published papers, active participations at meetings), proposal of the research topic and recommendation of prospective mentor and the interview with the applicant.The admission requirements and procedures of selection of students are harmonized with the ORPHEUS Zagreb Declaration. The conditions of enrollment into the first year of the program are as follows:(a) completed integrated program of medical studies or any other graduate program from the area of biomedicine and health (exceptionally admission may be allowed to candidates who have graduated from other fields of natural sciences, and in case of public health, candidates from who have graduated from social sciences programs)(b) grade‐point average during the program of graduate studies the minimum GPA of 3.51 (in the grading system ranging from 5‐10, or A‐D, with the GPA amounting to minimum 8.00)(c) recommendation of the prospective mentor(d) the structured proposal of the area of studies(e) proficiency in the English language(f) basic knowledge in computing.Additionally, the ZSM organizes the testing procedure for all the applicants and structured interview on applicants motives for the study, their interest for research, planned area of research, and relationship between candidates’ professional ambitions and research. Additional requirement for the enrollment into the Biomedicine and Health Sciences program is foreign citizenshipDoctoral Programs of Study Biomedicine and Health SciencesNeuroscienceSpecialist Programs Abdominal surgeryAllergology and clinical immunologyAnesthesiology, reanimatology and intensive care medicineCardiologyCardiothoracic surgeryChild and adolescent psychiatryClinical MicrobiologyClinical oncologyClinical pharmacology and toxicologyClinical RadiologyDermatology and venereologyEmergency MedicineEndocrinology and DiabetologyEpidemiologyFamily MedicineForensic medicineGastroenterologyGeneral surgeryGynaecology and obstetricsHaematologyInfectious DiseasesInternal medicineLaboratory immunologyLeadership and management of health servicesMaternal-fetal medicine and obstetricsMaxillofacial surgeryMedical oncologyNephrologyNeurologyNeurosurgeryNuclear medicineOccupational and Sports MedicineOphthalmology and OptometryOrthopedics and TraumatologyOtorhinolaryngologyPaediatric surgeryPediatricsPathology and cytologyPhysical Medicine and RehabilitationPlastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeryPsychiatryPsychotherapyPublic HealthPublic health medicinePulmonologyRheumatologySchool and Adolescent MedicineTransfusion medicineUltrasound in gynaecology and obstetricsUrologyVascular surgery
Abdominal surgeryAllergology and clinical immunologyAnesthesiology, reanimatology and intensive care medicineCardiologyCardiothoracic surgeryChild and adolescent psychiatryClinical MicrobiologyClinical oncologyClinical pharmacology and toxicologyClinical RadiologyDermatology and venereologyEmergency MedicineEndocrinology and DiabetologyEpidemiologyFamily MedicineForensic medicineGastroenterologyGeneral surgeryGynaecology and obstetricsHaematologyInfectious DiseasesInternal medicineLaboratory immunologyLeadership and management of health servicesMaternal-fetal medicine and obstetricsMaxillofacial surgeryMedical oncologyNephrologyNeurologyNeurosurgeryNuclear medicineOccupational and Sports MedicineOphthalmology and OptometryOrthopedics and TraumatologyOtorhinolaryngologyPaediatric surgeryPediatricsPathology and cytologyPhysical Medicine and RehabilitationPlastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeryPsychiatryPsychotherapyPublic HealthPublic health medicinePulmonologyRheumatologySchool and Adolescent MedicineTransfusion medicineUltrasound in gynaecology and obstetricsUrologyVascular surgery