5. Europska škola pedijatrije “Dijete u gradu”, Zagreb 16.-18. lipnja 2016.
Objavljeno 21.05.2016.Dear colleagues, dear friends,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 5th European School of Social Pediatrics I have a pleasure to invite you to join us in Zagreb, capitol of Croatia. A „Child in the City“ is one of the prominent public health activities affecting health and child rights in many countries. We expect to elaborate social, mental and physical health benefits, to improve health protection and promotion through coordinated and interdisciplinary work within local or broader community. Life and development in cities brings many opportunities and challenges to early child development. We want to hear experiences from different parts of the world, different cultures and economies.
So we are inviting you to take an opportunity to share ideas and experiences, take them back home in spread the concept of care for the most valuable, and yet at the same time most vulnerable, part of the population – our children.
Prof. Milivoj Jovancevic, MD, PhD