ADDITIONAL NAVIGATION Center for Translational and Clinical ResearchCentar za sportsku medicinu i unapređenje zdravlja na raduCentar za temeljno obrazovanje i ispitivanje poznavanja rada na računaluCentre for Palliative Medicine, Medical Ethics and Communication SkillsHealth Care Center of the School of MedicineCentar za međunarodnu suradnjuCentre for Planning Professions in Biomedicine and Health CareCenter for Clinical Use of NeuroscienceCenter for Occupational HealthCenter for Electronic MicroscopyCenter for Development of Information System and Crisis ManagementCenter for Advancement of Mental Health Homepage » About us » Structure » Centres » Health Care Center of the School of MedicineHealth Care Center of the School of Medicine News Info [STUDENTS] Announcement on Working Schedule: Multidisciplinary Counseling... Announcement on Working Schedule: Multidisciplinary Counseling Service for International StudentsPhysicians Availability Schedule for Multidisciplinary Counseling Service for International... Published 16.03.2020. Close all ABOUT US Health Care Center of the School of Medicine (ZDMF) was established by decision of the Institution’s Council of 29 June 2010. The ZDMF Centre is a professional, educational and scientific centre of the Institu‐ tion where health service for the needs of Institution’s teaching in the following areas is carried out: family medicine, occupational medicine and sports medicine, school medicine, medical microbiology with parasit‐ ology, forensic medicine, medical genetics, laboratory medicine, diagnostics and storage of cells, tissues, organs and biological materials, various expert opinions, medical councils and expert analysis, public health, epidemiology, methods of imaging and functional studies of organs and organ systems and pathology and cytology. Consulting services include expert opinions on the health status, including the medical evaluation of the results and outcomes of a particular diagnostic or therapeutic procedure, recommendations of ex‐ aminations and interventions, opinions about the possible benefits and risks of performing or failure to perform the recommended examinations and interventions, opinions about the possible alternatives to recommended procedures, opinions about the recommended lifestyle and diet and tips on the health in‐ surance rights and procedures to exercise of these rights. ORGANIZATION Center for Academic Medical Consultations was established with an aim to gather the most renowned medical representatives in medical consultation service – second opinion. Consultation services include professional opinion about health condition as follows: evaluation of results and outcomes of different diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, suggested procedures, expertise about risk assessment, alternative treatment plans, recommended life styles and nutrition plans, and legal consulting concerning health insur‐ ance. Close all Management Board DeanDean’s Management BoardAcademic CouncilDepartmental HeadsCommitteesProfessional Services Dean’s OfficeSection for Continued ImprovementUred glavnog tajnikaDepartment of Graduate StudiesDepartment of Postgraduate StudiesOdjel za specijalističke studijeOdjel za doktorske studije / Ured za doktorateDepartment of ResearchCentar za međunarodnu suradnjuDepartment of Finances and AccountingDepartment of Legal, Personnel and General AffairsDepartment for Construction and MaintenanceDepartment for Computer ScienceDepratment of Occupational Safety and Fire ProtectionProcurement OfficeChairs Anatomy and Clinical AnatomyAnesthesiology and ResuscitationDermatovenerologijaPharmacologyPhysical Medicine and RehabilitationFizika i biofizikaFiziologija i imunologijaGynecology and ObstetricsHistology and EmbryologyInfectious DiseasesInternal MedicineSurgeryMaxillofacial Surgery with StomatologyMedical BiologyMedical Chemistry, Biochemistry and Clinical ChemistryMedical Microbiology and ParasitologyMedical Sociology and Health EconomicsMedical statistics, Epidemiology and Medical InformaticsNeurologyNeuroscienceNuclear MedicineOphthalmology and OptometryFamily MedicineGeneral Clinical OncologyOrthopedicsOtorhinolrayngology with Audiology and PhoniatricsPathophysiologyPathologyPediatricsPsychiatry and Psychological MedicineRadiologySocial Medicine and Organisation of Health CareForensic MedicineUrologyMedical Ecology and Occupational HealthCourse Councils Medical EthicsFundamentals of Medical SkillsFundamentals of NeuroscienceIntroduction to ResearchCommunity HealthEmergency MedicineCabinets Medicinski engleskiFirst AidPhysical EducationInstitutes Institute of Anatomy “Drago Perovic” with laboratory for mineralized tissueInstitute of Neuroscience, Croatian Institute for Brain ResearchInstitute of BiologyInstitute for PhysicsInstitute of Chemistry and BiochemistryInstitute of PhysiologyInstitute of Embryology and HistologyInstitute of PharmacologyInstitute of PathologyInstitute for Forensics and CriminologyInstitute of Medical Microbiology and ParasitologyInstitute of Educational TechnologyCentres Center for Translational and Clinical ResearchCentar za sportsku medicinu i unapređenje zdravlja na raduCentar za temeljno obrazovanje i ispitivanje poznavanja rada na računaluCentre for Palliative Medicine, Medical Ethics and Communication SkillsHealth Care Center of the School of MedicineCentar za međunarodnu suradnjuCentre for Planning Professions in Biomedicine and Health CareCenter for Clinical Use of NeuroscienceCenter for Occupational HealthCenter for Electronic MicroscopyCenter for Development of Information System and Crisis ManagementCenter for Advancement of Mental HealthClinical HospitalsCentral Medical LibraryCroatian Institute for Brain ResearchSchool of Public Health „Andrija Štampar“
Health Care Center of the School of Medicine (ZDMF) was established by decision of the Institution’s Council of 29 June 2010. The ZDMF Centre is a professional, educational and scientific centre of the Institu‐ tion where health service for the needs of Institution’s teaching in the following areas is carried out: family medicine, occupational medicine and sports medicine, school medicine, medical microbiology with parasit‐ ology, forensic medicine, medical genetics, laboratory medicine, diagnostics and storage of cells, tissues, organs and biological materials, various expert opinions, medical councils and expert analysis, public health, epidemiology, methods of imaging and functional studies of organs and organ systems and pathology and cytology. Consulting services include expert opinions on the health status, including the medical evaluation of the results and outcomes of a particular diagnostic or therapeutic procedure, recommendations of ex‐ aminations and interventions, opinions about the possible benefits and risks of performing or failure to perform the recommended examinations and interventions, opinions about the possible alternatives to recommended procedures, opinions about the recommended lifestyle and diet and tips on the health in‐ surance rights and procedures to exercise of these rights.
Center for Academic Medical Consultations was established with an aim to gather the most renowned medical representatives in medical consultation service – second opinion. Consultation services include professional opinion about health condition as follows: evaluation of results and outcomes of different diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, suggested procedures, expertise about risk assessment, alternative treatment plans, recommended life styles and nutrition plans, and legal consulting concerning health insur‐ ance.
Dean’s OfficeSection for Continued ImprovementUred glavnog tajnikaDepartment of Graduate StudiesDepartment of Postgraduate StudiesOdjel za specijalističke studijeOdjel za doktorske studije / Ured za doktorateDepartment of ResearchCentar za međunarodnu suradnjuDepartment of Finances and AccountingDepartment of Legal, Personnel and General AffairsDepartment for Construction and MaintenanceDepartment for Computer ScienceDepratment of Occupational Safety and Fire ProtectionProcurement Office
Anatomy and Clinical AnatomyAnesthesiology and ResuscitationDermatovenerologijaPharmacologyPhysical Medicine and RehabilitationFizika i biofizikaFiziologija i imunologijaGynecology and ObstetricsHistology and EmbryologyInfectious DiseasesInternal MedicineSurgeryMaxillofacial Surgery with StomatologyMedical BiologyMedical Chemistry, Biochemistry and Clinical ChemistryMedical Microbiology and ParasitologyMedical Sociology and Health EconomicsMedical statistics, Epidemiology and Medical InformaticsNeurologyNeuroscienceNuclear MedicineOphthalmology and OptometryFamily MedicineGeneral Clinical OncologyOrthopedicsOtorhinolrayngology with Audiology and PhoniatricsPathophysiologyPathologyPediatricsPsychiatry and Psychological MedicineRadiologySocial Medicine and Organisation of Health CareForensic MedicineUrologyMedical Ecology and Occupational Health
Medical EthicsFundamentals of Medical SkillsFundamentals of NeuroscienceIntroduction to ResearchCommunity HealthEmergency Medicine
Institute of Anatomy “Drago Perovic” with laboratory for mineralized tissueInstitute of Neuroscience, Croatian Institute for Brain ResearchInstitute of BiologyInstitute for PhysicsInstitute of Chemistry and BiochemistryInstitute of PhysiologyInstitute of Embryology and HistologyInstitute of PharmacologyInstitute of PathologyInstitute for Forensics and CriminologyInstitute of Medical Microbiology and ParasitologyInstitute of Educational Technology
Center for Translational and Clinical ResearchCentar za sportsku medicinu i unapređenje zdravlja na raduCentar za temeljno obrazovanje i ispitivanje poznavanja rada na računaluCentre for Palliative Medicine, Medical Ethics and Communication SkillsHealth Care Center of the School of MedicineCentar za međunarodnu suradnjuCentre for Planning Professions in Biomedicine and Health CareCenter for Clinical Use of NeuroscienceCenter for Occupational HealthCenter for Electronic MicroscopyCenter for Development of Information System and Crisis ManagementCenter for Advancement of Mental Health