[BECOME STUDENT ASSISTANT] At the Department of Physics and Biophysics in the academic year 2019/20.

Published 23.09.2019.

We invite medical students to apply for the student assistant selection at the Department of Physics and Biophysics in the academic year 2019/20. Student assistants take part in Laboratory exercises in the Physics and Biophysics course. The requirement that candidates have to meet is course passed with excellent or very good grade.

The application should contain the following information:

  • Name and surname, address, date of birth
  • Contact (e-mail and mobile phone number)
  • Exam grade

Please submit the application with the necessary information to Marko Škrabić (marko.skrabic@mef.hr) no later than 03.10.2019. Selection results with instructions will be sent by email. The student assistants will have access to the course web pages within LMS.