[ERASMUS – ZOOM] International Lecture Series ‘Translational Neuroscience’

Objavljeno 27.11.2020.

We would like to invite interested students and staff members at our Erasmus partner universities and our University to join the eight virtual sessions on the platform ‘Zoom’ in English language on Wednesday afternoons, during which staff members of the cooperating universities will hold talks on the following topics:

  • Genetics of anxiety disorders (Jürgen Deckert/Würzburg University)
  • Application of stem cell technology in brain diseases (Dinko Mitrečić/University of Zagreb)
  • Awake craniotomies by lesions in dominant and non-dominant hemisphere (Janez Ravnik/Maribor University)
  • The past and future of translational stroke research (Denis Vivien/University of Caen)
  • Translational molecular imaging of brain inflammation (Carine Ali/University of Caen)
  • Animal models of posttraumatic stress disorder (Dóra Zelena/University of Pécs)
  • Screening of amblyopia with a mobile-based system (Eszter Mikó-Baráth/University of Pécs)
  • Time aspects of brain damage and repair (Srećko Gajović/University of Zagreb)
  • Deep brain stimulation for neurodegenerative disorders (Jens Volkmann/Würzburg University)

Please find the lecture dates, session times, and the respective zoom access links in the attached flyer. Up to 300 participants in total may join each session.

Lecture series Translational Neuroscience event data

We hope that the lecture series will attract your interest and request that you spread this message among your students and teaching staff.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our partners for working together with us on this wonderful project.

Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg