Povratak na stranicu vijestiZnanstvena predavanja – Prof. Dirk Montag i Dr. Rodrigo Herrera-Molina Objavljeno 11.09.2017. Dragi kolegice i kolege, dragi studenti, pozivamo vas na znanstvena predavanja koja će se održati u četvrtak, 14. rujna 2017. u 11.00 sati u seminarskoj dvorani u prizemlju Hrvatskog instituta za istraživanje mozga.Predavanja će održati znanstvenici s Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology (Magdeburg, Njemačka): 11.00 – 11.45 Prof. Dirk Montag A Gene-switch for memories: neuroplastin ablation causes retrograde amnesia and cognitive deterioration 11.45 – 12.30 Dr. Rodrigo Herrera-Molina Past, Present and Future of the Cell adhesion molecule neuroplastinRadujemo se vašem dolasku i diskusiji!Sažeci predavanja: Dirk Montag Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Germany A Gene-switch for memories: neuroplastin ablation causes retrograde amnesia and cognitive deterioration Neuron-type-specific neuroplastin ablation empowers the investigation of circuit-coded learning and memory and its relation to cognitive deterioration. The inducible neuroplastin-deficient mouse model, achieving experimental induction of retrograde amnesia genetically, provides new means to analyze the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying retrograde amnesia and memory.Rodrigo Herrera-Molina Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Germany Past, Present and Future of the Cell adhesion Molecule Neuroplastin Thirty years ago, the two main isoforms of the cell adhesion molecule neuroplastin were characterized as abundant glycoproteins in synaptic membrane fractions derived from rodent brains. Since then, studies in our laboratories in Magdeburg have revealed that neuroplastins are of great importance for architecture and function of the brain as they are crucially involved in neuronal plasticity, balance of excitatory/inhibitory synapse ratio, GABAergic transmission, and circuit activity commanding particular behaviors. Further, the finding of a number of binding partners of neuroplastin including subunits of the GABAA receptor, Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPase, and the tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 has opened the exploration of molecular mechanisms involved in formation and stabilization of synapses, synaptic transmission and plasticity as well as calcium homeostasis all of them fundamental for the physiology of different neuron types. We propose that alteration of neuroplastin-partners function could underlie severe neurological and neurodegenerative conditions.Ostale vijesti [19. TJEDAN MOZGA] U Hrvatskoj od 16. do 22. ožujka 2020. Objavljeno 05.03.2020. [POZVANO PREDAVANJE] Prof. dr. sc. Matjaž Fležar “Future Treatments of... Objavljeno 12.11.2019. [PREDAVANJE] “Regulation of Synaptic Calcium and Plasticity by... Objavljeno 25.10.2019. [HAZU] Predavanje prof. Josepha Schlessingera “Perspective of a scientist... Objavljeno 24.09.2019. [TRI PREDAVANJA] Prof. William Carey, Zavod za neonatalnu medicinu, Klinika za... Objavljeno 19.09.2019. [POZVANA PREDAVANJA] Prof. dr. sc. Branimir Šikić – 18. i 19.6. Objavljeno 17.06.2019. [PREDAVANJE] George J. Netto, MD, PhD “Liquid Biopsy in Precision... Objavljeno 21.05.2019. [PREDAVANJE] Prof. dr. sc. Sanja Sever “The podocyte actin cytoskeleton... Objavljeno 05.03.2019. [PREDAVANJE] Prof. dr. sc. Yuriy Vasiliev “Local anesthesia in... Objavljeno 23.10.2018. [GOSTUJUĆA PREDAVANJA] Tobias Kurth i Jess Rohmann : Causal Inference –... Objavljeno 05.10.2018. Znanstveni kongresiZnanstvene tribinePozvana predavanjaŠkole i tečajevi