ADDITIONAL NAVIGATION Dean’s OfficeSection for Continued ImprovementUred glavnog tajnikaDepartment of Graduate StudiesDepartment of Postgraduate Studies Odjel za specijalističke studijeOdjel za doktorske studije / Ured za doktorateDepartment of ResearchCentar za međunarodnu suradnjuDepartment of Finances and AccountingDepartment of Legal, Personnel and General AffairsDepartment for Construction and MaintenanceDepartment for Computer ScienceDepratment of Occupational Safety and Fire ProtectionProcurement Office Back to news page15 PhD Fellowship positions available in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions Innovative Training Network “TREATMENT” Published 16.01.2017. TREATMENT is a Marie Sklodowska Curie Innovative Training Network proposal directly addressing the need for high-level training and career paths in risk evaluation of drug induced metabolic dysfunctions, a relevant aspect, so far unexplored by traditional toxicology studies, but urgently needed to challenge current severe limitations of health care interventions in mental disorders. These patients require life-long medications that subsequently trigger metabolic diseases with a strong negative impact on their health and well-being. To achieve this, and improve adherence to treatments, we will evaluate how short-term antipsychotic drug responses impact long-term metabolic control to identify and validate biomarkers with clinically predictive value for targeting drug induced metabolic dysfunctions. This effort will have added commercial value by enabling the design of predictive marker kits for testing adverse secondary metabolic effects of drugs to be used in pharmacological and medical practice. TREATMENT will provide multidisciplinary knowledge, capabilities and tools to implement this ambitious strategy by the training of young scientists in a program that combines pharmacology, metabolism and mental health research with strategies for product and tool design and validation. Our ultimate goal is to empower the intersectorial and trans-national employability of young scientists across academic, public and private sectors to foster the development and implementation of personalized medicine tools that will provide effective treatment regimens for life long healthcare interventions and decrease the risk for development of chronic metabolic diseases.DetailsOstale vijesti Javna rasprava – 26.4.2021. Published 15.03.2021. Javna rasprava – 12.4.2021. Published 15.03.2021. Javna rasprava – 29.3.2021. Published 01.03.2021. [ERASMUS+] Erasmus+ student traineeships – 2nd call Published 23.02.2021. Javna rasprava – 22.3.2021. Published 18.02.2021. Javna rasprava – 15.3.2021. Published 18.02.2021. Javna rasprava – 22.2.2021. Published 26.01.2021. Javna rasprava – 15.2.2021. Published 26.01.2021. Javna rasprava – 8.2.2021 Published 06.01.2021. Javna rasprava – 1.2.2021 Published 30.12.2020. Management Board DeanDean’s Management BoardAcademic CouncilDepartmental HeadsCommitteesProfessional Services Dean’s OfficeSection for Continued ImprovementUred glavnog tajnikaDepartment of Graduate StudiesDepartment of Postgraduate StudiesOdjel za specijalističke studijeOdjel za doktorske studije / Ured za doktorateDepartment of ResearchCentar za međunarodnu suradnjuDepartment of Finances and AccountingDepartment of Legal, Personnel and General AffairsDepartment for Construction and MaintenanceDepartment for Computer ScienceDepratment of Occupational Safety and Fire ProtectionProcurement OfficeChairs Anatomy and Clinical AnatomyAnesthesiology and ResuscitationDermatovenerologijaPharmacologyPhysical Medicine and RehabilitationFizika i biofizikaFiziologija i imunologijaGynecology and ObstetricsHistology and EmbryologyInfectious DiseasesInternal MedicineSurgeryMaxillofacial Surgery with StomatologyMedical BiologyMedical Chemistry, Biochemistry and Clinical ChemistryMedical Microbiology and ParasitologyMedical Sociology and Health EconomicsMedical statistics, Epidemiology and Medical InformaticsNeurologyNeuroscienceNuclear MedicineOphthalmology and OptometryFamily MedicineGeneral Clinical OncologyOrthopedicsOtorhinolrayngology with Audiology and PhoniatricsPathophysiologyPathologyPediatricsPsychiatry and Psychological MedicineRadiologySocial Medicine and Organisation of Health CareForensic MedicineUrologyMedical Ecology and Occupational HealthCourse Councils Medical EthicsFundamentals of Medical SkillsFundamentals of NeuroscienceIntroduction to ResearchCommunity HealthEmergency MedicineCabinets Medicinski engleskiFirst AidPhysical EducationInstitutes Institute of Anatomy “Drago Perovic” with laboratory for mineralized tissueInstitute of Neuroscience, Croatian Institute for Brain ResearchInstitute of BiologyInstitute for PhysicsInstitute of Chemistry and BiochemistryInstitute of PhysiologyInstitute of Embryology and HistologyInstitute of PharmacologyInstitute of PathologyInstitute for Forensics and CriminologyInstitute of Medical Microbiology and ParasitologyInstitute of Educational TechnologyCentres Center for Translational and Clinical ResearchCentar za sportsku medicinu i unapređenje zdravlja na raduCentar za temeljno obrazovanje i ispitivanje poznavanja rada na računaluCentre for Palliative Medicine, Medical Ethics and Communication SkillsHealth Care Center of the School of MedicineCentar za međunarodnu suradnjuCentre for Planning Professions in Biomedicine and Health CareCenter for Clinical Use of NeuroscienceCenter for Occupational HealthCenter for Electronic MicroscopyCenter for Development of Information System and Crisis ManagementCenter for Advancement of Mental HealthClinical HospitalsCentral Medical LibraryCroatian Institute for Brain ResearchSchool of Public Health „Andrija Štampar“
Dean’s OfficeSection for Continued ImprovementUred glavnog tajnikaDepartment of Graduate StudiesDepartment of Postgraduate StudiesOdjel za specijalističke studijeOdjel za doktorske studije / Ured za doktorateDepartment of ResearchCentar za međunarodnu suradnjuDepartment of Finances and AccountingDepartment of Legal, Personnel and General AffairsDepartment for Construction and MaintenanceDepartment for Computer ScienceDepratment of Occupational Safety and Fire ProtectionProcurement Office
Anatomy and Clinical AnatomyAnesthesiology and ResuscitationDermatovenerologijaPharmacologyPhysical Medicine and RehabilitationFizika i biofizikaFiziologija i imunologijaGynecology and ObstetricsHistology and EmbryologyInfectious DiseasesInternal MedicineSurgeryMaxillofacial Surgery with StomatologyMedical BiologyMedical Chemistry, Biochemistry and Clinical ChemistryMedical Microbiology and ParasitologyMedical Sociology and Health EconomicsMedical statistics, Epidemiology and Medical InformaticsNeurologyNeuroscienceNuclear MedicineOphthalmology and OptometryFamily MedicineGeneral Clinical OncologyOrthopedicsOtorhinolrayngology with Audiology and PhoniatricsPathophysiologyPathologyPediatricsPsychiatry and Psychological MedicineRadiologySocial Medicine and Organisation of Health CareForensic MedicineUrologyMedical Ecology and Occupational Health
Medical EthicsFundamentals of Medical SkillsFundamentals of NeuroscienceIntroduction to ResearchCommunity HealthEmergency Medicine
Institute of Anatomy “Drago Perovic” with laboratory for mineralized tissueInstitute of Neuroscience, Croatian Institute for Brain ResearchInstitute of BiologyInstitute for PhysicsInstitute of Chemistry and BiochemistryInstitute of PhysiologyInstitute of Embryology and HistologyInstitute of PharmacologyInstitute of PathologyInstitute for Forensics and CriminologyInstitute of Medical Microbiology and ParasitologyInstitute of Educational Technology
Center for Translational and Clinical ResearchCentar za sportsku medicinu i unapređenje zdravlja na raduCentar za temeljno obrazovanje i ispitivanje poznavanja rada na računaluCentre for Palliative Medicine, Medical Ethics and Communication SkillsHealth Care Center of the School of MedicineCentar za međunarodnu suradnjuCentre for Planning Professions in Biomedicine and Health CareCenter for Clinical Use of NeuroscienceCenter for Occupational HealthCenter for Electronic MicroscopyCenter for Development of Information System and Crisis ManagementCenter for Advancement of Mental Health